Get Ready to Read! Sample Question
Read to your child:
These pictures are of a fish, car, boy, apple. Which one is a car? Find car.
Click the child's selection.
sample page
Before You Start:
  1. Try the sample question above with your child.

  2. When your child has settled on an answer, say:

    "You've got the idea! Now I'm going to ask you more questions. Each time I ask a question, you choose the picture that has the best answer. Some of the questions may seem hard, but don't worry. Just look carefully at the pictures and pick the one that you think is right."

  3. Now you're both ready to begin! Here are some tips to ensure the most accurate results:

  • Do not put questions into your own words.
  • Once your child has settled on an answer, don't change it. Don't give hints or second chances.
  • From time to time, say encouraging things like, "You're doing a great job!" But don't let on that an answer is right or wrong. For example, don't say, "Good," for a correct response and nothing when the answer is wrong.
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